Student Research Projects

Essentia Health is pleased to collaborate with academic partners to host students in programs which require completion of a student project. Essentia supports student quality improvement and assurance projects. Human Subjects Research is rarely approved for student projects.

Student Project Qualifications

Students interested in conducting projects at Essentia Health must meet the following criteria:

  • A current Learning Experience Agreement exists between Essentia Health and the learner’s academic institution.
  • The project must be a requirement of the student’s academic program.
  • Learner must be “onboarded” as a student with Essentia prior to starting the project. This includes background study, immunization and HIPAA requirements consistent with all Essentia Health students, volunteers and employees.

Projects must be supported by an Essentia Health sponsor and be strategically aligned with Essentia Health initiatives and practice needs. All requests for student projects must follow the following process.

  • Contact Kate Dean, Executive Director, to determine eligibility to conduct the project at Essentia Health.
  • Learner will collaborate with Executive Director to identify an Essentia leader to sponsor the project.
  • Learner will submit an executive summary of the proposed project to Executive Director for approval and Research Compliance. This usually happens prior to IRB submission at the academic institution.
  • Receive approval letter from Essentia Health for proposed project.
  • Work with education department to complete student onboarding requirements and receive clearance to begin project.

Contact Us

To learn more about student projects, contact Kate Dean, director of education. Call 218-786-3008 or send an email.


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